Tuesday, 30 May 2017

Putting The Focus On Childcare

The population is growing. It is common knowledge wherever in the world you may be. Most growing families live in the city where opportunities for work are plenty but the problem with childcare is real. Back in the days, families live with each other even after the children marry and have children of their own. So, the grandparents get to take care of their grandkids until they grow up as their parents hustle for a living. But families live apart today as everyone tries to chase after opportunities in different parts of the country, hence, the problem with childcare.

Getting childcare support is crucial for parents to be able to focus on work and no longer have to worry about their kids constantly. But we all know that childcare is expensive. While the trend is for both partners to work to support the family, one has to sacrifice at times to look after the kids because of the rising cost of childcare services in the country. But if couples don’t want to be bothered by mundane issues like childcare, then they should look into a contraceptive or family planning method that works for them.

Quality child care is helpful to children and their parents, and though it's expensive in the short term, it's cost effective in the long term. And we spend half as much of our Gross National Product on it as the average industrialized country.

All this information is in a New York Times article. The surprise is, it's in the business section, not a section about child rearing or education. But it's not out of place among articles about finances and the economy, because, even disregarding its value as a societal good, quality child care makes good economic sense.


[R]ecent studies show that of any policy aimed to help struggling families, aid for high-quality care has the biggest economic payoff for parents and their children — and even their grandchildren. It has the biggest positive effect on women’s employment and pay. It’s especially helpful for low-income families, because it can propel generations of children toward increased earnings, better jobs, improved health, more education and decreased criminal activity as adults.

(Via: https://www.tucsonweekly.com/TheRange/archives/2017/04/24/good-available-child-care-benefits-society)

Children who grew up supervised by their parents or guardians grew up to be more confident individuals who don’t easily back down from life’s challenges. While that isn’t always possible now, children get the pseudo-parent guidance and support they need from childcare workers who are paid to do just that.

Financial experts will tell you that the first thing you should you pay each month is your mortgage. Late or missing mortgage payments damage your credit, and if you miss enough of them, you risk losing the roof over your head.

If you're a parent of young children, the second thing you make sure you pay each month (or each week, more likely) is child care. While missing child care payments may not damage your credit, no one is going to watch your kids for free, which means you can't go to work and earn the paycheck that pays the rent.

Once you lose affordable, reliable child care, you feel that loss in all areas of your life. Without child care, you can't go to school (be it to get your GED or a master's degree), you can't go to work (though if you're lucky you can work from home while juggling the kids), and if you're in a two-income household, you may have to sacrifice one income so that someone can stay home with the children.

(Via: http://www.mnn.com/family/family-activities/stories/affordable-child-care-study-good-for-all)

Parents now have no choice but to spend a lot on childcare just so they can have some flexibility in their daily schedule. They won’t be able to go to work or pursue other life obligations if no one will look after the kids while they are away. If only the grandparents live nearby then their burden won’t be as much but that’s not the trend these days. The elderly often end up living alone and then sent to nursing or retirement homes when they can no longer manage to live independently.

Our modern world relies heavily on childcare services, so that adults can do their thing. The government should look into more affordable and convenient ways to address this issue for the benefit of all. Parents lose a lot if they can’t go to work or finish school because no one will look after the kids, so it would really help if the government will step in and offer solutions to this pressing issue.

Putting The Focus On Childcare is republished from https://www.SEMP.us

source https://www.semp.us/putting-the-focus-on-childcare/

Monday, 22 May 2017

Save The Environment While You Still Can

The world is going through extreme changes. The natural environment is no longer the same as it once was decades to centuries ago. While these changes have been happening gradually over the centuries but the rate at which they are happening now has greatly accelerated. Human involvement is a big factor why the environment is deteriorating. International groups are concerned. Our neglect and abuse of Mother Nature hastened environmental deterioration but in the end, it is us who end up on the losing end.

Environmental problems we now face include climate change, global warming, rapid urbanization, improper waste disposal and all sorts of pollution have affected our lives negatively and are threatening us with more natural calamities looming in the horizon. While most of the damage has already been done and can no longer be reversed, you can still change your ways now and minimize the damage you are causing to the environment even in your own little ways.

"A cargo of concerns."

That sounds about right.

Left unchecked, President Donald Trump’s environmental policies could do a massive amount of damage to the mid-Hudson Valley, reversing hard-fought gains and spoiling efforts to protect waterways and clean up polluted places — often old industrial sites — that mar and scar the area.

Trump got off to a dreadful start by appointing former Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt to head the Environmental Protection Agency. Pruitt has been a frequent critic of the EPA, a litigant against the Obama administration's stricter rules to curb air pollution and protect water, and both he and Trump have questioned the science of climate change.

So it’s not surprising the administration is suggesting deep cuts be made to the agency, in addition to rolling back regulations aimed at protecting the people’s health and preserving our land and water.

Amid this ominous backdrop, an environmental group announced recently it would sail its iconic boat from the Hudson Valley to Washington D.C. this summer to raise awareness about the lurking policy changes.

(Via: http://www.poughkeepsiejournal.com/story/opinion/editorials/2017/04/24/cargo-concerns-environment-editorial/100841412/)

There is a rising awareness about environmental concerns over the past few years and many Americans are doing their best in saving the world. However, the few who takes environmental deterioration seriously could not make up for the damaged caused by many.

Overall, Americans support protecting the environment, but there are deep partisan divides on the issue. In a Pew Research Center survey conducted last year, about three-quarters of U.S. adults (74%) said “the country should do whatever it takes to protect the environment,” compared with 23% who said “the country has gone too far in its efforts to protect the environment.”

Democrats and Democratic-leaning independents have consistently been more likely than Republicans and Republican leaners to say the country should do whatever it takes to protect the environment. But as Republican support has decreased since 2004, the gap between the two groups has widened to 38 percentage points. 

(Via: http://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2017/04/20/for-earth-day-heres-how-americans-view-environmental-issues/)

The U.S. also faces its fair share of calamities, both natural and manmade. However, the new administration has reduced funding on various government agencies including the environment and the arts. His focus is on national defense and trade and in strengthening or improving diplomatic ties with other nations.

Decades of hard fought advances against global warming may start to go up in smoke as US President Donald Trump, a climate change skeptic, signed a sweeping executive order aimed at lifting a moratorium on federal coal leasing. He will effectively be asking US agencies to stop worrying about carbon pollution and focus on creating jobs.

The move, the second attempted rollback of his predecessor President Obama's exertions (after the failed attempt to repeal Obamacare health law), is Trump's reward for America's coal country, which voted overwhelmingly for him in the hope that he will bring back lost coal mining jobs.

''He's made a pledge to the coal industry and he's going to do whatever he can to help those workers,'' a senior administration official who briefed reporters on background on the upcoming executive order told the media.

(Via: http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/world/us/global-warming-concerns-go-up-in-flames-in-trumps-america-as-jobs-trump-environment/articleshow/57878975.cms)

Whatever progress the U.S. has made so far in protecting and saving the environment can go all down the drain without the government’s support. It is ironic that President Trump does not give importance to issues of climate change considering America has one of the biggest carbon footprints in the world. In the end, struggling third-world countries suffer from extreme weather conditions and disturbances while more powerful nations like the U.S. suffer the least. They may extend financial aid when disaster strikes but we can’t deny the fact that their industries are mainly to blame for the continued deterioration of the environment.

However, it is not yet too late. We can still get our acts together and change our ways. We can live more responsibly and reduce our waste, which is the primary cause of pollution. All nations should work hand in hand to solve this problem. Trying to reduce our carbon footprint should be the goal of everyone because the earth is our home and we have nowhere else to go if things go from bad to worst in the future.

Save The Environment While You Still Can was originally published on https://www.semp.us/

source https://www.semp.us/save-the-environment-while-you-still-can/

Sunday, 14 May 2017

Disaster Preparedness Everyone Should Know

Our home is our shelter from all the elements. It is sturdy enough to protect us from the rain, strong winds, snow, and even from bad people. However, it can’t always protect us from harm all the time especially in the face of a disaster. Tornadoes, floods, famine, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, etc., our home may not always keep us safe from all these harms.

There’s little we can do when disaster strikes. However, we have a chance to prepare beforehand through various disaster preparedness measures. Disaster preparedness pertains to measures taken in preparation for disasters to reduce damage and casualty. It helps people react to disasters and effectively cope with its consequences. It is often a collaborative effort between the government, various organizations and the population at large in facilitating disaster preparedness activities. It is often a continuous and integrated process comprised of various risk reduction activities and overseeing the delivery of basic services needed by the people when they are no longer able to provide for these themselves.

Natural disasters cause nearly 500 deaths annually in the United States. Unfortunately, healthcare facilities in the U.S. continue to fall short in disaster planning and preparedness. This lack of preparation creates the potential for serious ramifications, putting staff, patients and the financial security of the hospital at risk. Below are five key components to an effective emergency management plan.

  1. Clear communication

  2. Comprehensive training

  3. Knowledge of assets

  4. Technology fail-safes and protocol

  5. Healthcare leadership involvement

(Via: http://www.healthcaredive.com/news/disaster-preparedness-5-key-components-to-effective-emergency-management/440672/)

The concept of disaster preparedness is not rocket science. For some, it is even embedded in human nature, the innate desire to survive in the midst of a mammoth threat. Wanting to protect yourself from danger is an innate human trait and disaster preparedness is merely a compilation of concerted and fool-proof measures one should take in the face of calamities. Not having one in place can have disastrous and often deadly implications at the expense of the innocent citizens who have no hand on the government’s funds.

Kenya’s disaster preparedness is itself a disaster. One only needs to look at the effects of the current drought ravaging the country to realise how poorly the country has prepared itself to deal with such emergencies.

What speaks volumes about the priority Kenya accords disaster preparedness is that despite the country’s budget moving from Sh350 billion 14 years ago to the current Sh2.6 trillion, disaster preparedness has hardly changed from its status of being virtually non-existent.

Why is disaster preparedness important? The first reason is obvious. It is important to secure lives and property during emergencies. The better prepared a country is to deal with disasters, the quicker it is able to respond, and the more lives it is able to save. Also, the quicker a country is able to recover.

The second reason is critical for a country’s stability, and its long term growth prospects. Disaster preparedness secures a country’s development gains and its economic future. The huge bills the government is forced to incur to deal with disasters can be avoided if it had prepared in advance. The government would also avoid having to divert substantial budgetary resources to deal with disasters as it now does.

(Via: http://www.mediamaxnetwork.co.ke/opinion/318530/must-make-disaster-preparedness-top-priority/)

Thousands of people can die, millions can suffer, and properties and crops destroyed without a disaster preparedness plan in place. Hence, now is the best time to take it seriously and partnerships between nations can help a lot in strengthening existing disaster preparedness plans of the other, especially for developing yet populous nations like the Philippines that is often hit by natural calamities throughout the year.

Japan and the Philippines are both located on the Pacific Ring of Fire making us particularly vulnerable to earthquakes and other natural disasters. As a long-standing development partner of the Philippines, JICA is committed to help the Philippines achieve resilience towards long-term economic growth and sustainable development,” said JICA Chief Representative Susumu Ito.

The training includes an 18-day course on Regional Revitalization in Disaster Prone Area (July 9-26, 2017) and is open to young Filipinos, ages 20 to 35 years old.

Participants are expected to learn from Japan’s recovery and rehabilitation efforts in Higashimatsushima and Ishinomaki cities devastated by the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami. They will also attend lectures in the International Research Institute of Disaster Science, a research center established by the Tohoku University following the 2011 earthquake disaster in Japan.

(Via: http://www.rappler.com/bulletin-board/166679-jica-disaster-risk-reduction-management-training-2017-japan-philippines)

Wherever you are in the world, you can benefit a lot from having disaster preparedness measures in place whether you live in areas not frequently hit by natural disasters. The United States itself experiences its fair share of disasters, from earthquakes, tornadoes, floods, even hurricanes etc. However, issues of corruption and now, budget cuts, make it harder for government agencies and organizations to mobilize and allocate the proper use of funds. Regardless of any external issues, all households should have their own disaster preparedness kits ready anytime it is needed because it’s you and your family’s life and safety at risk and you should do your part in protecting them at all cost whether with external help or not.

The following post Disaster Preparedness Everyone Should Know was first published on SEMP.us

source https://www.semp.us/disaster-preparedness-everyone-should-know/

Monday, 8 May 2017

Asia’s Ring Of Fire: More Active Than Ever

We are not new to natural calamities. We learned to live with them and accept them as a part of our lives. While we certainly can’t stop them, we can take measures to protect ourselves from its wrath. It is easier done in calamities that give off signals in advance, giving us ample time to prepare and evacuate when necessary. Think of hurricanes, volcanic eruptions, even floods, and droughts. Meanwhile, an earthquake can strike without any warning at all. It can do serious damage, not only to buildings, but to computer assets resulting in data loss. We just know once it hits us and we can only duck for cover.

Just what is an earthquake? Many of you are probably wondering how the earth can shake with so much ferocity and power. An earthquake is the sudden and violent shaking of the ground because of volcanic action or movement of the earth’s crust or plates. It can cause severe destruction in high magnitudes and can even trigger tsunamis on low-lying and coastal areas, says Doug Richie of The Climate Change College. These shock waves radiate out from the rock’s first breaking point.

The “Ring of Fire” otherwise known as the circum-Pacific belt is found in Asia. It is a major area in the Pacific Ocean’s basin where many volcanic eruptions and earthquakes happen. Roughly 90% of the world’s earthquakes take place in the Ring of Fire. It is in the shape of a horseshoe and is closely linked with numerous plate movements, volcanic belts, and oceanic trenches. Over the years, Asia has experienced countless earthquakes that not only destroyed properties but killed thousands of people and are considered some of the deadliest in the world.

A magnitude 6.0 earthquake hit the southern Philippines at dawn yesterday, damaging dozens of houses and sending people fleeing into the streets for safety, the authorities said.

There were no immediate reports of serious casualties but electricity was cut and water pipes ruptured in Lanao del Sur, a mainly rural region some 800km south of Manila, they said.

"Residents are really shocked with regard to the calamity that happened. So they are on standby (at) the highway," provincial disaster official Francis Garcia said over ABS-CBN television.

(Via: http://www.straitstimes.com/asia/se-asia/houses-damaged-as-earthquake-hits-southern-philippines)

As of late, more and more earthquakes ravage Asia and people are learning the importance of “duck, cover and hold” as they get to practice it in real life. The recent earthquake to hit the Southern Philippines was just weeks apart from the same terror that gripped a province south of Manila that generated countless strong aftershocks after.

Hundreds of residents of coastal areas in a province south of the Philippine capital fled to higher ground fearing a tsunami on Saturday after a series of earthquakes on the main island of Luzon.

Three quakes ranging in magnitude from 5.0 to 5.9 struck Batangas province, about 90 kms (55 miles) south of Manila, around 3 p.m. (0700 GMT) over a period of about 20 minutes, said the U.S. Geological Survey.

"Residents in the coastal villages in two towns have evacuated to safer ground after the earthquakes," Lito Castro, head of the provincial disaster council, told local radio. "The people were afraid the earthquakes would generate a tsunami."

(Via: http://www.channelnewsasia.com/news/asiapacific/hundreds-flee-after-three-strong-quakes-strike-philippines-8715770)

The threat of being hit by the “Big One” intensified earthquake drills in the nation’s capital and the government is more stringent than ever in reviewing building codes and urging citizens who live on the fault line itself to relocate. A city as populous as Manila will face massive death tolls and millions in damaged properties once the plates move and a strong earthquake hits their midst. Although their technology and advanced warning and evacuation plans are far from that of Japan, it is better than having no preparations at all.

“Many urban areas in Asia are growing quickly, and buildings going up without regard to seismic building codes,” said Julie Jomo of Geohazards International, a California-based company that aims to help improve safety before disasters strike. 

Tectonic plates also cut through China and Central Asia, while other Asian countries lie along the “ring of fire,” which encircles the Pacific Ocean and accounts for 90 percent of the world’s quakes.

Asia is also the most populous continent, and has a rapidly urbanizing population. That raises the threat of massive loss of life if buildings are constructed poorly, emergency services are not in place, and people aren’t educated about what to do when the earth shakes.

Some cities are more prepared than others. Manila, for example, sits directly astride a fault and authorities there have scaled up earthquake drills and building inspections. After being hit by two large quakes in 2015, Kathmandu is working on a mitigation strategy. Japan is the world’s leader in quake-proof construction. 

(Via: http://www.asiasentinel.com/econ-business/urbanizing-asia-earthquake-tragedy/)

Since most Asians have learned to accept the reality that earthquakes can strike when they least expect it the most, they have learned to be more vigilant and prepare for such a scenario in advance. Most citizens now know how to react in the event of an earthquake and that is to take cover or go to an open space when outside of the house or a building. If there are tsunami threats, evacuation is a must and everyone should head to higher places for safety. Most households now have their own emergency kits that they can easily take with them in the unlikely even of such disasters taking place.

Experts discovered that the Pacific Northwest is hit by 8-9 magnitude coastal earthquakes roughly every 250 years and it has been 313 years since the last massive earthquake. Everyone needs to work together to survive such a calamity and the best time to prepare for it is now.

The blog article Asia’s Ring Of Fire: More Active Than Ever was initially seen on The SEMP Blog

source https://www.semp.us/asias-ring-of-fire-more-active-than-ever/

Monday, 1 May 2017

The Latest Survival Gadget For You

When you look at the current market today, you can see all sorts of stuff being sold. At times, it will make you wonder whether such items really have a useful thing in people’s life or are they just a big waste of money in our modern capitalist world. From common household necessities, food and utilities, and so much more, one of the things you should have in your growing arsenal is a survival gadget that can help you basically survive when worst comes to worst. Although such cases are rare, we can’t help but be influenced by all the zombie-apocalypse movies we are seeing both on the small and big screens.

It is time to find out what are the latest survival gadgets you can find and which of them are worth your money and time. From the basic Swiss army knife to other cool outdoor gadgets you can bring on your next adventure, check out what is the best thing to bring with you to ensure you stay safe all the time aside from having a tool you can use for virtually any job without breaking the bank.

If there’s one thing Boy Scouts are known for, it’s being prepared. But what about when they grow into men? Though the Swiss Army Knife remains the classic pocket-sized survival tool for hiking and camping, if you were trying to survive say, a zombie apocalypse, you’d want something that can do more than cut string and open beer bottles (unless your plan for armageddon is to get wasted, which is totally understandable).

But if you’re looking for a more practical piece of survival gear, consider the Wazoo Cache utility belt. It has space for two dozen survival tools with room for more, and it still performs the basic function of holding up your pants.

Funded through Kickstarter, the relatively-cheap Minimalist model features a fold-over 28-inch pocket with hook-and-loop enclosure, bottle opener, bead chain, and gear loops. Being the base model, it also leaves plenty of room for other gadgets, first aid or otherwise.

(Via: http://taskandpurpose.com/forget-swiss-army-knife-belt-will-save-life/)

While we now consider our smartphones as our lifeline because of the numerous apps that do so much for us, but of course, you can’t really rely on your expensive and flashy gadget to save you from the rain or insects or help you do some minor handyman job when the need arises when you are out in wild.

Survival is so hot right now. That means there are lots and lots of charlatans hawking crappy gear that won’t get the job done in an emergency.

“Everything you need, nothing you don’t,” reads the official blurb. With the Seventy2, Uncharted has packaged 30 items of survival gear into a high-quality, waterproof roll-top backpack—a single, easy-to-carry kit that handles everything you need (shelter, water, fire, and food) in an emergency. The name references the time, in hours, that the Federal Emergency Management Agency says all citizens should be equipped to care for their own needs following a natural disaster. 

“Packing an emergency preparedness kit helps ensure the safety and comfort of you and your family members at a time when basic public services may be disrupted,” states FEMA Regional Administrator Phil May. The agency has prepared a list of supplies citizens should keep on hand for such an eventuality. The Seventy2 ticks most of those boxes, making it a general survival kit that should get the job done whether you live in an urban or rural area.  

The Seventy2 includes basic gear like a first-aid kit, tube tent, knife, multi-tool, and water filter. You’ll likely be familiar with most of this stuff already.

What really sets the Seventy2 apart is the bag the tools are packaged in—and the way they're organized. Made from 60-denier tarpaulin, the 30-liter roll-top pack is completely waterproof and should remain so through plenty of abrasion and manhandling. That doesn’t just mean it’ll keep all the gear inside dry: it also turns it into something of a multi-tool. Need to haul a bunch of water? Empty the pack and dunk it in a lake. Need to get in that lake? The pack doubles as a flotation device. 

(Via: https://www.outsideonline.com/2159321/350-backpack-will-keep-you-alive)

While this kit may not be on the cheaper end, it definitely has a lot of cool tricks up its sleeve. It has virtually everything everyone will ever need and it is set up in an organized way. And best of all, they all fit a backpack you can easily carry on your back wherever you may be, perfect for an outdoor trip or a real-life disaster scenario. Moreover, it is waterproof, so rest assured all your things are safe even when it is raining cats and dogs outside. Or if you suddenly find yourself struggling to stay above the water, you can even use this bag as a floatation device. So, in the end, you get your money’s worth after all. It is an excellent investment for every family to have and bring with them wherever they go because after all, you can never tell when will disaster strike so better be safe than sorry.

The Latest Survival Gadget For You was originally published to https://www.semp.us/

source https://www.semp.us/the-latest-survival-gadget-for-you/